The other day I was at a friends place trying to fix some problem on her computer.......problem being she could not connect to the internet and there was nothing wrong with her cable connection.......basically she had run out of patience and options regarding what to i get a call from here along with a request to try and do asked myself why me?......especially considering the fact that i deal everyday with long chain molecules... ( thats what we polymer engineers sometimes like to call polymers)...finally we did get everything sorted out and she could connect to the information super-highway......but to a layman it would seem that she would have the answers to such issues considering her background...a software professional......after all,to the common man,all my education can teach me is to make a nice plastic tumbler... the end of it all....... after the thank you's.....she tells me
Puneri...Ignorance is Bliss.That night I was reading The Days Are Just of the books from the Calvin and Hobbes series....( shall talk about them another day) and i came across this conversation between Calvin and Hobbes as they are taking a ride down the hill in that cart of theirs...
Scene....Hobbes pushing Calvin and cart to gain speed....
Calvin: Its true, Hobbes, Ignorance is Bliss.......
Calvin continues talking as they are winding down the hill in their cart steadily gaining speed
Calvin: Once you know things, you start seeing problems everywhere.....and once you see problems, you feel like you ought to fix them....and fixing problems always seems to require personal change....and change means doing things that aren't fun! I saw phooey to that!.......
Meanwhile the cart is close to achieving terminal velocity.
Calvin: But if you are willfully stupid, you don't know any better, so you can keep doing whatever you like! The secret to happiness is short term, stupid self interest!
They approach the cliff
Hobbes: We are heading for the cliff!
Calvin: I dont wanna know about it......
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! and they are over the cliff and flat on their bellies....
Hobbes: I'm not sure I can stand so much bliss.
Calvin: Careful! We don't want to learn anything from this.
This first and last statement by Calvin says it all......what say ye all?