Life, The Universe and Pune

Monday, February 03, 2003

Its Monday afternoon and after having had such a lazy weekend , there is absolutely no way i feel like working....I thought that if i managed to make it to my advisor's office, he would give me back the scheme of experiments that i gave him last week to approve.......thinking that if i have that paper in hand i will get down to doing some work.....but i guess the force is just not with me today....i walk down to his office and he is not in...apparently he has a lunch meeting with there...all the plans i had made about work just vanished into thin i need to think of something else to get me working.....before that i think i need to take time for lunch.........salad with ceaser dressing and some bread lunch i still lack the motivation to get some work done......

i guess like many engineers i suffer from the last minute syndrome.....i have rarely seen myself work like a dog unless i have deadlines to meet and those deadlines are less than a week away.....thats when i really get some work done.....i justify this attitude by telling myself that there is more satisfaction that i can derive from working day and night for a few days than i could by working regularly everyday......i cant believe i just said that :)

but then haven't we heard the saying again and again.....If it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get done"...........