Life, The Universe and Pune

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

The weather outside is quite gloomy..or rather was gloomy this morning when I got up…..don’t know what it is like abhi considering I don’t have a window around to find out…….and I must say it took a biiiiig effort to get out of bed…all I wanted to do was sleep in till 10.00 and then make some chai for myself….take a blanket…sit on the porch… some of the books that have been purchased but not been read… the folks back home and crib a bit….…laugh a bit and in general blabber away…its been a while since I did that…….and its close to Diwali… all the more reason to stay at home and relax and enjoy…….in short I wonly wanted to snuggle in and be pampered …doesn’t matter if I am the one who provides the pampering……as long as….

But then the multiple alarms on the cell phone kept ringing and the other alarm went of too….put it on snooze and then it went off again………I took the first step towards facing the day and I slowly dragged myself out of bed…...Reality can be very different from the dream world……It gonna be one long day!!!!!