
I had no clue that the band Rush was on tour......I called Buddy two nights back and he mentioned that he was on his way back from Rush ka concert...did not talk much about day i.e June 9th , I get back from work and he is online on MSN and he starts telling me all about the concert and insists that I go......he found out that there was a concert at Blossom Music Center the very next day and he insisted that I should go and attend it......and then he sends me a list of songs that they played at the show he went to in the Detroit area....and also sent me via MSN some of the songs I should listen to before I go to the concert in addition to the songs of Rush I have already heard.....Now , Rush is a band that I go to know of, when I got here to Akron.....Ramu would make me listen to Rush 'cause it was his favorite its not like I have heard all their songs.....but I still think that from what I have (now) or rather had heard till then , that they seriously kicked some ass......I started looking for company to go for the concert, but no one was really interested......finally got a friend to agree that he would give it a thought and let me know by 7.00 pm that evening if he was gonna come along.....finally at 7.10 p.m. I realize that I have no one to accompany me and the concert starts at 8.00 p.m. .........hmmmmmm...Aniket's words kept ringing in my head...." Panter...jana hi mangta show ke liye"....what the hell.....
So I ended up goin akela for the show....this by the way also happened to be the Rush's 30th anniversary tour......was my first time at Blossom , so I had no clue where the ticket counter one point near the entrance I saw a structure, that to me looked like a ticket counter and it was closed.....I looked around a bit to see if someone had extra tickets.....lawn seating ticket mil gaya.....$25 ticket for $20.....baad mein pata chala ki the box office is actually further down from where I thought it was and they did have tickets available...but what the heck..I did save $5 on the ticket.......
So what was the show like.......Mastercard style mein
Ticket for Rush Concert- $20.00
Band T-shirt-$30.00
3 Beers - $24.00
1 Pepperoni Pizza - $5.50
watching Rush Blossom....with die hard, genuine, kick ass fans.....with an amazing video and laser show............Absofuckinlutely Priceless
The 3 songs that made the concert awesome, especially for me, were.....The dragon film on the big screen (with fire on stage) followed by Tom Sawyer (my fav Rush song)...the acoustic version of Resist by Geddy and Alex and Working Man (they usually end all their concerts with this I have heard)........
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