Life, The Universe and Pune

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

So the parents are here and seem to have settled well.....the long weekend was pretty ok......spent with some family and friends in Michigan.....from what I have figured out over the last one week......they notice a change in me....and they seem to be accpeting it pretty me they are just the same.....though physically ....they grey hair is more prominent.....and the mother has lost quite a bit of weight.....

They have been meeting a lot of people here (many for the first time).....some akron junta that was around during their trip here in 2002 is still there.....but they did come and meet the junta here at work.....and most of the junta who has met them for the first time has pretty much the same thing to say..." Your parents seem so nice and quiet and sober...your mom is so pretty and your dad looks so dignified"......(and then after a pause)....." What the hell happened to you".......which is a fact.........we think differently.......our approach to life is very different.....and I dont think I look like either one of them......and on top of that...the balding plate does not help at all........maybe...just maybe....there wasa switch in the hospital...and he fact that I look like mymaternal uncle is purely coincidental......that would explain a lot of things:)

Some other observations/complaints that Mom has......" You smoke too much Hemant!!!!"......" You eat meat quite often"........" You should not be drinking on weeknights".......and how do I plead....GUILTY on all three counts......:)

In other news......its one year today that I have been working at my present job....and I'm lovin' the brother from jersey got a job philly.....seems like a good day......