Life, The Universe and Pune

Friday, March 21, 2003

Things on the agenda for the weekend.........

1) usual....
2) laundry.....pehelo fold clothes washed last week and then wash other stuff....
3) clean kitchen.....along with adi...
4) study for midterm after spring break so i can enjoy my spring break,,,,( wierd??)
5) do some work w.r.t research....been a while since i did anything
6) go grocery shopping....
7) if possible clean room ( akin to spring cleaning)...those layers of dust keep increasing...thank god i dont have dust allergies or suffer from asthama.....

wait a minute......aren't we supposed to enjoy on weekends......none of the above other than sleeping seem like things i would enjoy

an after thought..kick myself for can i forget....india is in the finals you @#$$%%!!!! and what about the malaysian grand prix just before the finals???? its settled....i will be enjoying this weekend.......but then i cant enjoy and do all the things listed above....lets crop the 'to-do' list

revised list is as follows
1) sleep
2) grocery shopping this evening ( khana zaroori hain)
3) toss up between research and study for that midterm......we (me ...the angel on my left shoulder and devil on my right shoulder) shall decide later....cross the bridges when you come to them ...
4) kitchen cleaning......lets see if its negotiable with adi (my roomie)
5) spring has just begun...spring cleaning can wait
6) laundary needs to be done...nahi to no clothes to take places i go to for spring break....

so now that its all settled....i think i better get a head start to my busy weekend by rushing home and taking a quick nap......important things first.......
ciao people.....jettega bhai jeetega .... INDIA JEETEGA .....